One Decision That Will Transform Your Marriage
Speaker: Paul Wingfield Series: Echo Topic: Marriage Scripture: Malachi 2:13–14, Matthew 19:3–9, Ephesians 5:21–25
Wondering how you can improve your marriage? If you begin to treat your marriage like a covenant rather than a contract, your marriage will be transformed forever.
other sermons in this series
Jan 31
Live On Less
Speaker: Paul Wingfield Scripture: Luke 12:15, Malachi 3:12, Proverbs 6:6–8, Proverbs 21:20 Series: Echo
Jan 24
Modeling Manhood & Womanhood
Speaker: Paul Wingfield Scripture: Genesis 1:27, 1 Corinthians 11:11–12, Ephesians 5:21–25, 1 Peter 3:7, 1 Timothy 5:8, Titus 2:2–6, Genesis 2:18, Titus 2:3–5, 1 Peter 3:3–4 Series: Echo
Jan 10
How To Lead Your Family
Speaker: Paul Wingfield Scripture: Deuteronomy 6:1–9, Deuteronomy 5, Matthew 5–7 Series: Echo