How Will I Be Remembered?
Speaker: Paul Wingfield Series: Bold Topic: Faith Scripture: Joshua 3, Exodus 14:15
At God's instruction, Joshua makes the bold move to lead Israel across the Jordan River, which is at flood stage. To complicate matters, Joshua instructs the priests to lead the way with the Ark of the Covenant...yes, the same Ark that is touched, immediately kills you! Despite the obstacles, they went for it and God showed up in a big way!
other sermons in this series
Feb 21
What Am I Willing To Sacrifice?
Speaker: Paul Wingfield Scripture: 1 Kings 17:7–24, Deuteronomy 31:8 Series: Bold
Feb 14
Who Am I?
Speaker: Paul Wingfield Scripture: Exodus 3–4 Series: Bold
Feb 7
Where Is God Calling Me?
Speaker: Paul Wingfield Scripture: Acts 28:31, Romans 12:11, Genesis 12:1–4, Genesis 17, Galatians 3:8–9 Series: Bold