Through community, we grow more than we ever could on our own. We all have different schedules, needs, interests, and personalities. But the Bible makes this clear; humans are made to be in relationships. Whether you’re simply looking to connect with others or seeking spiritual growth, we have options for you.

If you are ready to find a place where you can know people and they can know you, get involved in a class or group!

upcoming classes

WFSTRONG QL copyWe want everyone at White Flag to grow in their relationship with Jesus. Doing so takes effort and intentionality. Just like every other relationship, you and I get out what we put in. So how do we grow closer to God? What are the action steps required? #WFSTRONG is a set of principles that addresses this very topic. Sign Up for this 6-week class by one of our pastors to help you become STRONG in your walk with Jesus!

starting-point-QL-new-siteStarting Point is the perfect place to explore White Flag and why we believe what we believe. Have you been wondering why we take communion every week? How about why we believe in baptism by immersion? Pastor Paul answers all these questions at more at Starting Point! Click Here to see all of our upcoming dates for Starting Point. 


genesis website copy

Join us for this 6-week class through the Book of Genesis! We'll uncover the the profound accounts of creation and the covenants that shaped our faith. Click Here to sign up!


FPU website copyWe all need a plan for our money. Financial Peace University is that plan! It teaches God's ways of handling money. This 9-week class is video driven with class discussions and interactive small group activities.  FPU presents biblical, practical steps to get from where you are to where you've dreamed you could be. This plan will show you how to get rid of debt, manage your money, spend and save wisely, and much more! Click Here to find upcoming dates!




We aren't made to do life alone! Groups are a great way to make this big place feel small. From lifestage to spiritual growth, there is a group waiting for you! Click Here to learn more about our open Groups.