
Welcome to White Flag Kids @ Home! We believe the best way we can help your kids develop a strong spiritual foundation is by partnering with you. One of the best ways to do that is to keep you informed and provide tools for you to continue conversations at home. 


How many of you have left church and asked your kid, "What did you learn in church today?" and they respond with, "I don't know"? Here are some practical ideas and fun activities you can implement at home to encourage conversations about what they learned: 

  • Watch the teaching videos with your kids
  • Practice the current memory verse as a family
  • Do one or more of the family activities as they fit in your schedule

Together we can encourage, train, and pray for your kids as they grow in their faith!






 "I am the light of the world. Anyone who follows me will never walk in darkness. They will have that light. They will have life." —John 8:12 (NIV)



              • How do you get around someplace you’ve never been, like a theme park or shopping mall?
              • Do you think there’s a way to be with God? How?
              • Are there people who can help us understand the way to God? Who?


As a family, go on a treasure hunt with homemade maps. Have everyone choose a precious item (treasure) and gather in the kitchen. Some ideas for modern treasures include favorite toys, gifts from loved ones, books, or tablets. Then invite each person to draw a map of your home—deciding for themselves how detailed they want to make it, whether to include a driveway, yard, etc. Or, if desired, each person could claim one room or area and draw a map of that location. Invite one person at a time to hide her treasure and then mark it on her map. Swap maps and use them to discover each other’s treasures!

After finding all the treasures, talk together, saying: Jesus is the way to God, and He is so much better than a map! Jesus shows us what God is like. When we see Jesus, we see God the Father! And when we follow Jesus, we get the best treasure of all—living with God forever! What are ways we can follow Jesus today?