How Do I Recover After Breaking A Promise?
Speaker: Josh Howard Series: The Gospel of Mark - Part 2 Topic: Jesus
The word Gospel means "Good News” and that’s exactly what Mark provides us in his detailed account of the life of Jesus. Journey with us as we discover Mark’s unique perspective of Jesus as the suffering servant for a sinful world. In week 55 of The Gospel of Mark, our mission partner, Josh Howard takes a deep dive into Mark 14:66-72 where we see Peter deny Jesus three times.
other sermons in this series
Jun 9
How Do We Know the Resurrection of Jesus Happened?
Speaker: Paul Wingfield Scripture: Mark 16:9–20, John 7:53– 8:11, Matthew 27:62– 28:66, Luke 24:1–53, John 20:1– 21:31, Matthew 28:18–20 Series: The Gospel of Mark - Part 2
Jun 2
May 26
What Happened After Jesus Died?
Speaker: Paul Wingfield Series: The Gospel of Mark - Part 2